Randolph Central School Corp – Externship Program

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019


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We recently had the opportunity to be a part of a program that Randolph Central School Corporation calls Teacher Externships. Their teachers can elect to go into participating local businesses to learn about the company’s processes and roles. The information gained helps them inform and guide the students in their classrooms toward potential career paths.

We ended up having two truly incredible educators with us at our Ridgeville Stone Quarry for a week: Cathie Burton from Driver Middle School and Brad Moore from Winchester Community High School.

Our Externs spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday learning from our experts in Plant Operations, Human Resources, Environmental, Safety, Communications, Geology & Mine Planning, and Dispatch. They were also able to witness a floor shot and explore our mobile equipment. On Thursday, Cathie and Brad participated in our Plant Inspection at Perkinsville Sand and Gravel. They wrapped up their week at our Portland Stone Quarry and Fine Grind Operation. They participated in our Eastern Operation’s weekly Production Meeting, witnessed a blast and spent time in the Quality Control Lab running samples.