Lowell Labor Day

Monday, September 5th, 2016

Community Involvement

Group photo at Lowell Labor Day
  • Group photo at Lowell Labor Day
  • Lowell Labor Day sponsorship
  • Lowell Labor day sponsorship

 If you do any kind of research on the town of Lowell, IN, you will find that one of the biggest events each year is the Lowell Labor Day Festival. This year, our Lowell Plant was the entertainment stage sponsor for the three-day event. In addition, the following employees and their families attended and volunteered at the event: Matt Dutton, his children, John Taylor, his wife Dory and their grandson, Matt Brogdon, Tim Schoonveld, Jesse Hollifield and his children.

The kids handed out our hardhats to the Lowell kids (and surprisingly a ton of adults) and at one time it was a sea of US Agg hardhats in the crowd. The band “Mr. Funnyman” even entered the stage with all its members wearing our head gear. We were recognized for our donation from the band and got a great round of applause.

The townspeople were very appreciative of our donation and several stopped to personally say thank you.