CPR Training to Become Annual Initiative

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

News Safety

CPR Training

A new program that we started this year was to conduct first aid training with all our employees working at the mines during our Part 46 Annual Refresher classes. Most of our locations are remote and it can take up to 15 to 20 minutes for an ambulance to respond so this makes all of us the first responders. We brought in specialized people to conduct First Aid and CPR Training at each of our Annual Refresher classes to review with all who attend.

In addition to this, we offered certification classes for anyone who wanted to go through a full CPR Class and get their American Heart Association Certification Card that is good for 2 years. We had 65 people interested in attending one of the six classes that we held at various locations around the state and they all received their certifications.

With the success of this program, we will be making this an annual training throughout the company. CPR and First-Aid is an important skill to learn because we never know when an accident will occur not only at the workplace, but at our homes as well. I encourage anyone, especially if you have children or elderly relatives close to you, to attend some sort of First-Aid or CPR Training courses. I would like to thank everyone who attended especially our trainers Sean Owens and Jim Miller.